adobe flash software required.
Payment Please use our SSL secured payment system to credit your Internet Phone account.

Once paid, your account will be credited with your paid amount. You will then be able to make calls.

Our Phone system will warn you if your talk time is less than 1 minutes.

  • Fast
  • Simple
  • Easy
Prepaid Call you will be charged only when your call is answered. You can check the call history, payment history, and billings, from the account control panel after you hang up.
Make Payment to Your Internet Phone Number for calls anywhere in the World:

Enter your account number and click pay to get to the Credit Card payment web page, and go through the payment process. Your payment will be credited to your account number, and you're ready to make calls...

Payment Terms and Conditions

I authorize Potatoboy.COM to charge my credit card for the Service described above. I further understand that, there will be no refund given unless otherwise agreed;  Any credit card fraud will be reported to the law enforcement for investigations.

Please type in your Web Phone Number, which is just your account number. Then Click on "Order" button to credit for your phone account. Minimum payment can be as low as just $5.

If you do not have phone account yet, please register one here.

Please type in your registered account number (the Virtual Phone Number) and click "Pay". You will then see the Credit Card payment form. This will credit your payment to your account number.

Payment method:
You can also pay by check or bank wire. Please contact for how-to.